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DIE VERLIERER • Notausgang • LP

DIE VERLIERER • Notausgang • LP

Regular price €20,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €20,00 EUR
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Die Verlierer’s second celebration of sound, their new album Notausgang (emergency exit), is an enrapturing manufactured approach to the nostalgic turns known to few as 70’s punk n roll, now released on Mangel Records. With shades of both American and German influence, Die Verlierer are lyrically exploring riotous and somber notions of both public concerns and private endeavours. The unified sonic realm does its job accordingly, with a thick determined timbre of bass, sharp guitars and rolling drums – Die Verlierer create a sound as clear as a broken glass. Through the course of 14 rich tracks, the band will take you on a journey between the busy cross roads of early- and post punk, mixing fast beats and slow&heavy melodies.

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